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In a recent article published by the Daily Bulletin, Caltrans is encouraging motorists to keep the state clean with its “Don’t Trash California” campaign and is working hard to bring forth public awareness of the amount of money being spent annually on trash cleanup.

Last year, the state transportation agency spent $62 MILLION statewide on litter removal. That work included the removal of 155,000 cubic yards of trash, enough to fill over 10,000 garbage trucks!

Programs like the Adopt-A-Highway volunteer program and the Sponsor A Highway sponsorship program have greatly helped reduce that spending by having local groups clean up trash and AHMC crew members clean up debris in exchange for sponsorship recognition along the freeways.

In addition, work release programs and one-day permitted cleanups by local groups and state agencies are helping to reduce the problem, but this is not enough.

Like in California, state transportation agencies are struggling with the amount of trash that grows each year. This reduces property values in communities, it makes roadways unsafe for drivers, and it requires more and more money from taxpayers to keep trash levels low when that money could be spent elsewhere by the state.

The easiest way you can make a difference? … DON’T LITTER!

Carry bags in your car to throw away trash instead of throwing it out your window. For those who drive pick-up trucks, ensure loose particles are securely covered or tied to your truck bed so trash does not fly out onto the roadways.

If you want additional ways to help, join the Sponsor A Highway program. Your company will get your name and logo on a sign where AHMC crews will remove trash along your sponsored area in exchange for a monthly fee. It’s easy, it’s simple, and our crews do all the work while your business gets all the recognition.

We currently operate in 20+ different markets. For more information about your particular market, click on this link.

Call us today or email us to learn more about how your business can get involved, and don’t forget to mention reading our blog! We strive to bring current and relevant information to those interested in our program and look forward to hearing from you!

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