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In this month’s edition of Out Of Home Magazine, one article discusses the success that Out of Home Advertising experienced at the start of 2013, and we thought it was a great article to share!

Out of Home (OOH) Advertising revenue rose 4.5% in the first quarter of 2013 compared to last year in 2012. According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), revenue from the first quarter totaled $1.5 billion, and the increase has shown steady positive revenue growth over the last three years for OOH and the industries investing in it.

Much to our surprise, Misc. Services and amusements recorded the highest revenue dollar growth, leading Out of Home spending each quarter. Regarding a more general positive trend in the US economy, the most significant percentage growth happened in Retail, Restaurant, and Automotive. This is the first time the automotive industry has returned to the Top 10 list of OOH spending in three years!

While Out of Home is typically considered one of the older and more traditional forms of advertising media, the above revenue estimates include billboard, street furniture, transit, alternative, cinema advertising, and digital platforms for advertising spending… All of these show how OOH has evolved over the years to become more dynamic and provide endless creative possibilities for those utilizing it.

Industries are considering OOH to be a less traditional form of advertising. They are now embracing it as a new and innovative way to increase business, which explains the substantial increase in revenue at the start of 2013. Hopefully, these numbers will keep growing as OOH continues to evolve in the years to come.

You can read the entire July Edition of Out Of Home Magazine by clicking here.

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