Smokey Point Productions (SPP) is not just a business opportunity. SPP is a family who is incredibly passionate about their people, plants and their industry. They believe in cannabis and recognize its benefits of what it can do for the community. Wanting the best for the community along with their experience is what drives them.
SPP is meticulously creating an advanced and efficient facility for growing cannabis. One of the most advance facility in the country! Every project in this facility is designed to produce quality cannabis.
· Over 125,000 square feet
· State of the art Grow Rooms
· Extraction Lab
· Edibles Kitchen
SPP is located in Arlington Washington. They have a strong sense of pride in their business, the people and their community. We are pleased to have Smokey Point Productions join our Adopt A Highway® program with the installation of 4 new sponsor signs located in King and Snohomish Counties and more on the way! By joining our program SPP reinforces their commitment to the community and how proud they are of it.
“I absolutely love your productrs! You are my go to brand at my local rec shops.””
“Love your producs!!! Always looking for your name when I hit the shops.”
To learn more about SPP and their products please visit