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People often ask us, “What does Adopt A Highway mean?” Our Adopt a Highway Maintenance Corporation® team eagerly tells them many things: exclusivity, reach, exposure, and giving back.

Our sponsors adopt highways for many different reasons. Each “why we sponsor” is unique to each company’s brand and goals. Wondering what your “why to sponsor” is? Let’s get to the nitty-gritty by answering, “What does Adopt a Highway mean?”

Paid Sponsorship Program

When your business joins the Adopt A Highway® program, it sponsors 1 or more segments of highway through the Adopt A Highway® and Sponsor A Highway® Programs. Available in 26 states, they are ultimately the same program but with different names depending on which state you’re in. Each goal is to maintain and beautify highways nationwide while also helping businesses build brand awareness.

Unique Sponsorship Signs

In return for your sponsorship, a sign is placed along the shoulder of the highway in one-mile segments. You can work with our art department to design your sponsor panel for the best visibility and exposure of your brand. Signs are also unique to the state you are sponsoring in. For example, “Keep It Clean Georgia” or “Beautify Virginia” are state-specific taglines on signs. Additionally, unique images for states include a mountain line on Montana’s signs and a lighthouse on Connecticut’s signs.

Professional Cleaning Crews, Not Volunteer

Our Adopt a Highway® program differs from the state programs often associated with volunteer efforts. Although the programs share the same name, “Adopt a Highway,” our program does not involve volunteers picking up litter. Our professionally trained and certified crew members conduct litter removal services and maintenance on behalf of sponsors. Additionally, our workers are approved by the Department of Transportation, fully insured, and attend safety courses to maintain the busiest highways in America.

Reaching More for Less

Sponsors are not limited to one highway or even one state. You can sponsor as many signs as possible on various roads and states in our markets. We encourage sponsoring in multiple markets to increase brand exposure, especially if your business is in a specific geographic region. Outdoor advertising has a lower cost per impression (CPI) when compared to digital or traditional advertising. Because your signs will be visible 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week, 365 Days A Year, you can reach millions of traveling motorists each year while maximizing your marketing budget.

Exclusivity in Outdoor Advertising

Although your company may consider billboards or other out-of-home advertising, keep in mind that we have exclusivity to some of the busiest highways in the United States. Along some stretches of highways, Adopt a Highway® signs are the only signage permitted, providing our sponsors with brand authority over local competitors.

Connecting Your Brand to the Community

Consumers will build brand awareness with your company through the frequency and visibility of your sponsorship signs. In addition to name recognition, they will now connect your brand with environmental change. Adopting a highway shows the community you care about litter removal and keeping the highways clean. According to the Cone Communications Global CSR study, 89% of global consumers would switch brands to one associated with a good cause, like caring about the Earth.

Improve Environmental Social Governance

When companies partner with Adopt A Highway®, you can improve your company’s environmental social governance (ESG) score and receive annual data projections for ESG. To include in sustainability or annual reports, we will provide infographics and data on how your business contributes to the environment and acts responsibly. Companies have to do more than just say they care about an issue. They need action, and 70% of Americans believe companies must take action to improve the problems that may not be relevant to their everyday business. (Cone Communications.)

Successful Partnerships

For more than 30 years, Adopt a Highway® has partnered with the state Department of Transportations (DOTS) to remove over 4.5 million pounds of trash. Thanks to our sponsors, our litter-removal services are free to DOTS, and help states offset costs associated with litter removal. In addition to DOTS, we have forged relationships with some of the most well-known brands, including Netflix, Dunkin, Chick-fil-A, jetBlue, and countless small businesses.

Open to Businesses, Organizations, and individuals

Now that you can answer, “What does Adopt a Highway mean?” you have surely found your “why to sponsor.” Now, I bet you’re wondering, “How can I sign up?” Most businesses, organizations, and even individuals can sponsor a highway in exchange for a monthly fee. Sponsors work with Account Managers at Adopt a Highway Maintenance Corporation® to guide you through purchasing signs to installations. To get started or request further information click here.

We can’t wait to learn what adopting a highway means to you!

Sources: Cone Communications. “CSR Study.” 2017. Cone Communications.